Stride Subiaco is located on Rokeby Road between Churchill Street and Barker Road. The best way to get to the store if driving, is to enter off Barker Road into the carpark opposite Coles. Parking there is free for the first hour (make sure you put a ticket on your car) and if you pay, a two hour limit. The Stride store can be seen in the bottom left hand corner of the carpark.
Stride Subiaco and the ECCO Concept Store make up the largest store in the Stride with Confidence chain. The store boasts the largest range of ECCO products and a good sample of Hush Puppies, NAOT and Ziera.
Stock is selected based on the demands of our customers. Our extensive range allows the staff to satisfy your needs, whether it's a dress shoe for a special occasion or a walking shoe for travellers. Subiaco is a great place to visit and is considered one of the premier strip shopping destinations in Perth.
Come and visit us or phone Kate and the team on 08 9381 4575.